Courier Six Vs V
Online, if you were to say that Fallout: New Vegas and Cyberpunk 2077 were at all comparable, you'd be faced with some pretty substantial disagreement, but the games are surprisingly similar; on top of the obvious mechanical similarities, both are about how corporations will destroy the worlds, both can trace their lineages directly to TTRPGs, both were *incredibly* buggy at launch, both are set in the Western USA and have important world events taking place in the year 2077, etc. and so forth. Likewise, the principle characters also have a lot in common, both draw from anarchist ideologies, both can bend to the wills of the business moguls that destroyed their worlds, both survived being shot in the head, both can kit themselves out with all sorts of cybernetic enhancements, etc. etc. I know this is just a list of connections a la a reddit post but I'm just trying to convey that these aren't two random characters I'm making fight each other because I played both games....