Medic Vs Herbert West
Medic Vs Herbert West Two doctors, disgraced and ostracised from their fields who nonetheless continued their research and beat death itself, proving, in the process, that they can end life just as easily as restoring it. For this match I'm approaching it with something of an anything-goes attitude. Medic will get the game, including mannpower and MvM, all of the official animations, including unreleased ones, the comics & any crossover I consider canon enough to scale. Likewise Herbert is going to get his film trilogy, the novel, the comics, including the evil dead crossover & anything else I consider canon enough to fit. Medic: Born & Raised in Stuttgart, Germany, Dr Ludwig is by no means a true man of medicine, he's actually something of a psychopath, seeing healing as a mostly unintended side effect of his experiments, although it definitely came in handy when he was hired to carry out a blood feud between Red & Blu Mann, working on the borderline dys...