
Showing posts from October, 2022

Wildermyth Vs Rimworld

 I'll be the first to admit, there really isn't much to this one, it's mostly that they're both 'story generator' games that I've been playing recently. Like there are some definite similarities there, but I was genuinely just curious which verse was stronger. For this scenario I'm going to approach it like a full party of wildermyth legacy heroes vs a small endgame RimWorld colony, so 5-a-side, and I'm going to try and take everything possible into account, so just because one of the team members doesn't have a specific item or ability, it doesn't mean including that ability in the fight would change the verdict per se. That should be everything, not a particularly deep one today. RimWorld Be they crash landing survivors, wandering pilgrims or recently awoken ancient warriors, the colonists on the rimworlds live rough lives. Your average colony will go through a gruelling process of technological advancement that might take months, or even y...

Courier 6 Vs V Addendum

 So, recently, cyberpunk: edgerunners came out, with an array of far more impressive feats than anything in the game itself, so I thought it would make sense to reassess my results based on this new evidence, assuming edgerunners is entirely canon. Firstly, the courier's biggest advantage in the first run-through was strength, but in edgerunners characters are able to create giant craters, and given Adam smasher curb stomps the entire cast, it's reasonable to assume that V is at least similar to their level of strength. The biggest crater I saw was in a mesa, and based on the size of the truck wheels, which I assume are like, 30 inches in diameter, it was 140cm deep and 1050m wide and also perfectly circular. Therefore that's a volume of 121,000,000cm3. From what I understand from the VS battle wiki and forum users with racial slurs in their usernames, it's safe to treat compressive strength in MPA and joules/cm3 as the same value, at least for Vs calculations. I'm ...