Wildermyth Vs Rimworld

 I'll be the first to admit, there really isn't much to this one, it's mostly that they're both 'story generator' games that I've been playing recently. Like there are some definite similarities there, but I was genuinely just curious which verse was stronger.

For this scenario I'm going to approach it like a full party of wildermyth legacy heroes vs a small endgame RimWorld colony, so 5-a-side, and I'm going to try and take everything possible into account, so just because one of the team members doesn't have a specific item or ability, it doesn't mean including that ability in the fight would change the verdict per se.

That should be everything, not a particularly deep one today.


Be they crash landing survivors, wandering pilgrims or recently awoken ancient warriors, the colonists on the rimworlds live rough lives. Your average colony will go through a gruelling process of technological advancement that might take months, or even years to make any significant progress, progress that would be impossible without the incredible talents of our brave citizens. Some colonists are strong enough to cut down fully mature oak trees in seconds and kill grizzly bears bare-handed and everyone is somehow able to carry six ton elephants like it's nothing. They're smart enough to research and construct anything from advanced prosthetics to interstellar spaceships and suspended animation pods, and tough enough to survive explosions. When enhanced it's a different story altogether. Even the slowest colonists are as fast as a car with archotech legs, and with a pair of similarly advanced eyes they can make out minute details for dozens of meters. Hidden blades and spikes can be implanted with ease and arms designed for crushing and drilling are commonplace on richer colonies. Coagulators and healing accelerators reduce the risk of death from injury and psylinks allow colonists to draw upon the psychic field around them to disorient and stun enemies, cloak themselves summon small storms and douse flames, even affording them limited teleportation and mind control with powers like skip and berserk. And this is all without any gear at all.

When properly equipped, a colony becomes a veritable militia, monoswords use nanobots to ensure the blade's edge is always as sharp as a single molecule, railguns like charge rifles and lances prove devastating upgrades to their munitions-based counterparts and psychic shock and insanity lances can drive someone into a comatose state from a distance. Cataphract, marine and phoenix armours are almost completely bulletproof and offer extreme protection from heat and cold, shield belts protect melee fighters from incoming projectiles and smokepop packs can obscure enemy line-of-sight. Eltex gear greatly reduces the strain of neural heat on psycasters and heavy ordinance like the doomsday rocket launcher or similarly powerful mortars and turrets can destroy dozens of trees in a single blast. 

This is all without mentioning the brilliant tactics colonies in RimWorld employ, often heavily fortifying bases with walls, sandbags, traps and turrets while bombarding enemies from a safe distance with artillery,  if pressed, they can even call upon weather satellites to create a tornado, or call down an orbital laser with a yield of over 13 tons of TNT. Colonists also make a habit of keeping a medic with incomprehensibly powerful medicine nearby. Colonists are also able to take copies amounts of drugs to increase their effectiveness in battle, most notably go juice which increases user movement by 50% and numbs pain considerably, making it a brilliant drug for combat encounters. 

Overall, the most important factor to consider is just how resilient RimWorld's colonists are, they not only persevere through thick and thin, but they thrive in it, carving their own space out in a deeply hostile world and making it their own, eventually, even being able to escape and reach the stars.


A small party of adventurers formed many years ago, the stories are vague, but it seems like they keep coming back, plucked from the halls of legend and brought into the world of the present whenever a battle needs to be fought against the forces of evil, the relationships they form and the strength of their fighting persisting across countless centuries.

Adventurers in wildermyth can come across some crazy shit in their times, some become half-crystal half-human amalgamations after trying to pry a sacred gem from its resting place, others become werewolves or storm spirits or skeletons or celestial beings or crow-people or steampunk cyborgs. By the time a hero has lived a lifetime or two they're unlikely to have all of their original limbs in place, but even without these bizarre adaptations, armed with nothing but farm tools and spoons, parties are able to fight off small raids by monsters and mercenaries alike.

Adventurers are careful fighters, they're able to plan in advance, fortifying towns against incoming incursions and controlling the battlefield as they choose, they can call upon wind spirits to instantly transport them into position and mystics can interfuse with anything from trees to debris to machinery, empowering the caster and allowing innocuous drapes to become lethal bindings and shapeless hunks of metal to become binding shackles, they can even briefly compell enemies, choosing where they move next. Hunters can set traps, poison enemies and even hide beyond the pale, turning themselves invisible by shifting into the Grayplane and they can take their allies with them using flashcones. Warriors, admittedly, have less to do, but their sheer power is nothing to scoff at, they can break barricades down in a single swing as well as shatter rocks and large crystals. Crystalline adventurers can form chrysalises, protecting them from any and all damage and celestial adventurers can call down meteors, hardly necessary considering the formidable arsenal of enchanted bows, swords, shields and spears most adventurers have access too, but handy nonetheless.

The legacy of this party came to a climax when they had to face the wrath of the sunswallower, a magic vulture who stole the light of the sun many aeons ago, who spent years recuperating his strength, deep within the mountains, the adventurers confronted him and defeated him after he  blotted out the sun, plunging the entire region into a hazy orange darkness, restoring order to the world and returning home as venerated heroes with legends unrivalled by mortal men & women.


A small company, hailing from the yondering lands came across a bizarre settlement with technology they'd never seen before. The stormtouched hunter among them felt anxious and used a flashcone to obscure himself and the party's skeletal mystic while the werewolf, crystalline warrior and celestial mage advanced forwards. As the three of them marched towards the strange walled town ahead of them, a mortar shell flew through the air towards them, barely missing and setting the ground ablaze where it landed. The adventurers immediately took cover but they felt themselves being displaced in the folds of reality and within a second they'd been separated and scattered around the area. Calling on the wind spirits to guide them back into place, they regrouped and prepared an assault on the colony, but as soon as they charged, three heavily armoured soldiers emerged from behind their sandbags, two with pulse rifles, raining fire down upon them, and one flying through the air with a jump pack and a monosword, the warrior retreated into a crystal chrysalis, the blade cutting their armour, but still only glancing the shield they'd built themself into. As the two of them engaged, the countess sent a psychic pulse towards the werewolf, driving him into an uncontrollable rage, upon which he lunged towards the celestial mage who interfused with a tree and restrained her berserk ally.

While this skirmish was underway, the skeletal mystic and their stormtouched friend had made their way towards the artillery at the centre of the colony. The mystic interfused with the mortar and tore it apart, wrapping its operator in metal bindings as the shell that had just been loaded flew up and dropped onto him. The mystic retreated back into the Grayplane as a stone-faced medic, who had been stationed nearby rushed to grab a mechanite serum to try and get her bombardier back to good health. While her back was turned the hunter stomped on the bombardier's head, sending an overwhelming jolt of electricity through his body, short circuiting his bionic enhancements and killing him near-instantly, sending the hunter back into the Grayplane once more. The medic turned around to see her friend laying dead on the ground and felt the point of a dagger in her back as the skeletal mystic emerged from beyond the pale behind her. The dagger bent and crumpled on her armoured, stony skin and gave her time to swing around and swipe the mystic's head with her power claw, scarring the skull and hobbling the mystic long enough for her to pull out a zeushammer and smash into their exposed ribcage, which buckled and cracked under the sheer force of the attack. The medic looked up just in time to see the hunter letting an arrow loose from his bow, which punctured straight through her chest. She choked, her right lung had been punctured but her coagulator stopped her from bleeding out and she managed to swing her hand down to her belt and activate her psychic shock lance, incapacitating the hunter in front of her before he could nock another arrow. She stumbled towards the storeroom, desperate for some means of healing as she saw the grenadier's corpse, writhe and contort, the bones twisting themselves free from the burning husk they were trapped within and crushing themselves into a razor-sharp lance before flying forwards and pinning her to the wall by the chest, the pain was so severe it knocked her out, giving the mystic an opening to carry their friend to safety.

By this time, the berserk pulse had worn off and the werewolf tore himself free of the vines he'd been restrained with, leaping towards the barricade the two gunners were hidden behind, powering forwards despite the psychic pulses from the armoured countess stunning, blinding and slowing him. As she was attempting to slow the werewolf's advance the celestial mage had summoned a meteor and flung it directly into her throne room, with the flames threatening to consume all of the valuables therein. She channeled all of her power into skipping tons of water onto the blaze, protecting her treasures but barely staying within the limits of neural heat, the soldier in front of her tried, in vain to hold the werewolf's assault back, taking a deep scratch across his chest that was so painful it almost knocked him out. The countess retreated, laying down covering fire and turning off her heat limiter to block the soldier's pain receptors and focus his mind while she rushed towards the storeroom to find her staff. All the while the mono-sword wielding cataphract and the crystalline warrior had been trading blows, cutting into each other's thick armour and drawing blood with every other swing. The cataphract briefly leapt back with his jump pack to recuperate, injecting himself with mechanites and downing a capsule of go-juice, before sprinting forwards with newfound vigour, and slicing hard enough to cleave the warrior's crystalline arm in two. The countess emerged from the storeroom and used her staff to call down a flashstorm on the mage, who had been gathering strength by interfusing with the sacred trees all around her. Before the cataphract could swing again the mage invaded his mind and compelled him to approach her. He walked forwards in a catatonic haze before being entangled in vines and stuck in place. When he came to, a storm was raging above him and the mage was nowhere to be seen. Unable to escape, he struggled agains the unnaturally strong vines while lightning struck him again and again until his helmet shattered and shrapnel from an exploding tree pierced his exposed eye.

The werewolf was locked in combat with the one remaining soldier as the crystalline warrior retreated, nursing his wound and the celestial mage approached the psycasting countess. The mage gathered a blaze from the nearby storm and sent a fireball careening towards the countess, who teleported it away with a skipshield, at severe risk to her overheating brain in an attempt to save her colony she prepared herself to cast a Neuroquake, probing for discrepancies in the psychic fold but before she could get it off, the mage unfolded one of the barricade's sandbags, constricted the countess with it and smashed her into her last remaining solider, who was only kept standing by pure adrenaline and psychic numbing, the impact was enough to knock him off balance, giving the werewolf an opening to tear open his throat. The countess's Neuroquake had been interrupted, but, in a last-ditch effort to kill the invaders, she reached to her belt and activated the orbital laser strike just before the neural heat she'd accrued sent her into a coma. The mage and the werewolf sensed the great power above them and ran towards each other in an attempt to fortify themselves against such a devastating attack. The celestial looked up and closed her eyes. She focused as hard as she could and called a shooting star onto the charging satellite, knocking it off course and they watched it melt the icy caps of a nearby mountain.

The mage and the werewolf gathered themselves, leaving the site of the battle to regroup with the rest of their injured party as a man in black arrived in a transport pod at the colony, and began tending to the survivors.


So, wildermyth wins, but why? In terms of raw numbers, the highest feats RimWorld colonists can generally scale to are around 0.84 tons of TNT, based on the doomsday rocket launcher, so that's their durability and general attack potency, but their highest possible attack is the orbital power beam which can reach well into the range of 13.4 tons of TNT, and as Schwarzweissrot points out, this is probably a low estimate. For speed, I assumed the description of "as fast as a car" with archotech legs applies to colonists with the "slowpoke" trait, and used that as a baseline, scaling up from there. So, car speed, or 60mph is (4.6-0.2)x1.5, or 6.6 cells per second. The maximum possible can only be attained for a short period, with a very low chance of happening and a very high risk to the user because it's gained via 1 disease, 4 hard drugs, 3 separate implants, the help of a psychic colonist, a conscious weapon and an incidental urge to move faster. Irrespective of that, for the sake of argument, the highest possible speed is about 29.6 cells per second, or around 4.4x faster than a car, clocking in at over 260mph (118m/s), although this is far too high to apply to regular colonists. For the sake of it, an archotech legged jogger with a fast mover weapon and a go juice high would probably be the maximum for speed without significant prep time, which ends up at about 10.8 cells per second, or around 100mph (44m/s). The second number is far more in line with the realities of the game, as there is no mechanic for colonists 'dodging' ranged weapons like there is for melee attacks, implying they are generally too slow to react properly to arrow fire, which is generally 60-70m/s. However, their attack speed is going to be far faster considering their munitions muzzle speed goes from anywhere between mach 2 (bullets) to mach 7 (space-age railgun technology).

Wildermyth adventurers, however are a different story. For what its worth there's this one enemy who travels in straight lines called a "digger" or a "tunneller" or something that presumably carved out the paths it goes down that I cacled at 10 tons of TNT or something, but I cannot find it anywhere and I'm afraid I literally just made it up accidentally. Anyway, that's not important because the actual number is much higher. In the sunswallower's wake, the titular villain literally dims the sun using his evil magic powers at one point, while in a weakened state. Being *incredibly* conservative, as in, to the point of dishonesty, we can assume that the evil vulture guy blocked out 1% of the sun's light for like, a minute. The earth is hit by 173 Petawatts of solar energy by the sun, and 1% of this for a full minute would be around 25 megatons of TNT in terms of total energy. It's worth noting that this number specifically only applies to the vulture lord, as he's defeated by a group of five adventurers, who are far weaker individually, but they can all survive his attacks and deal significant damage to him, so it'd be unreasonable to assume they're thousands or millions of times weaker than this number. Again, being conservative to the point of dishonesty, we can say wildermyth character can dish out and survive 1 megaton (1,000,000 tons) of TNT each. It's worth noting that the incredibly high scaling from the Sunswallower is actually backed up by the "celestial" theme, which shows small stars in the character's hair and body and allows for attacks like celestial strike which draws a small star down at the speed of a meteor. Assuming this star is as wide as the attack's area of effect and as dense as actual tiny stars (150g/cm3) this attack alone would have a potency of over 6 megatons of TNT, backing up high-tier scaling for these characters. Otherwise, the meteor variant of the same attack would have a kinetic energy of 177 kilotons of TNT, these factors together making wildermyth a far stronger verse than RimWorld. Additionally, in terms of speed, while Wildermyth characters are very grounded in terms of travel speed, they can still fire and dodge crossbow bolts, however, which can fire as fast as 105m/s, meaning it's unlikely the RimWorld colonists would be able to dodge their projectiles, and there's actually a decent chance that the adventurers would be able to dodge railgun fire and bullets given enemies are completely capable of dodging attacks like chain lightning, which travels at mach 180, or 59400m/s, but given characters get hit by things like arrows semi-regularly these speeds are peaks, not consistent velocities.

Next, hax. RimWorld, despite not being as magical as wildermyth has a very impressive array of ways to bypass durability, most notably psycasts, which are basically just spells. Skip would be incredibly useful to control the battlefield, wallraise provides cover at short notice, stun, burden & blinding pulse would hinder enemies drastically and berserk could genuinely get the Colonists a kill under their belt if used a the right time. Additionally, psychic shock lances are able to completely incapacitate foes with a single shot, monoswords cut with an edge one molecule thick, tearing through literally anything. Additionally, healer mechanite and resurrector mechanite serums give colonists a chance to undo any damage caused to their allies. In comparison wildermyth actually has some catching up to do, crystalline adventurers can form a chrysalis that makes them immune to all damage (obviously this isn't infinite but if it works on wildermyth's attacks then RimWorld's attacks probably couldn't scratch it), although the user cannot attack while in this form. Curses can weaken foes and abilities like Vigorflow and wolfcall can improve the strength of casters and allies alike. Compulsion serves as basic mind control, allowing foes to be led into traps and indignance creates a ring of armour-piercing damage around the caster, which is excellent for weak foes that try to get too close. Flashcones can render an entire party invisible and celestial adventurers can blind their foes, so that's a less impressive array of options, but it's decent enough to either survive or match a lot of what RimWorld has to offer. Most of the options at RimWorld's disposal, stun, burden, blinding pulse, wallraise, skip and healer serums would be little more than an inconvenience for the Wildermyth adventurers, there's nothing to suggest that the psychic shock lance wouldn't work, but that requires line of sight, which can be avoidied with blinding attacks or fighters going into Grayplane (which makes you invisible). Berserk and invisibility don't last long enough to be truly game chaining even though they would allow for significant gains on RimWorld's side, the issue is that there'd be so much to deal with they wouldn't have the Psyfocus or neural heat available to keep them up for long enough to, say, guarantee a kill with berserk. Finally, the monoswords mean Colonists would be able to grievously injure Adventurers, evening the playing field somewhat, but in-game the swords, while impressive, still don't instantly kill wildlife or sufficiently armoured enemies, making it an advantage but hardly a win condition on its own.

So to conclude, Wildermyth is potentially thousands-millions of times stronger than RimWorld, and their peak speeds are far higher than anything colonists have access to, and while they can't defend from every durability-bypassing attack the colonists can use, their advantages are significant enough to not be completely undermined by a very sharp sword or an insanity gun.

Wildermyth wins.

Again, not sure what the next time will be, maybe Garfield Vs Heathcliff, that one's nearly done, maybe Nick Valentine Vs Harrier Du Bois that one would be fun.

Also expecting to add an addendum to this one once biotech comes out, and a further one once the wildermyth DLC comes out, which is why I wasn't quite as exhaustive as I could have been.



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