Google Forms Responses
All responses were received on the 29th of September 2022 No. Which of the four ending routes did you pick on your first play through of Fallout: New Vegas? Which of the four ending routes for Fallout: New Vegas do you consider the 'best'? Why do you consider your chosen faction to be best? If it is different from your faction of choice on your first play-through, why? Do you think the other three choices have any particular merit? If so, what do you like about them? Are there any minor factions you think are particularly moral/aspirational? (i.e. The Kings) If so, why? Are there any individuals you consider to be particularly moral/aspirational? (i.e. Marcus, Doc Mitchell) If so, why? 1 The NCR Wild Card/Yes Man i felt they had the most compelling points. Also, how could you say no to that goofy robot's lil face. Well I just wanted to experience another route honestly.First route I went with a "vanilla" playthrough. I mean yeah, all the endings of New Vegas ha...