Google Forms Responses


All responses were received on the 29th of September 2022


Which of the four ending routes did you pick on your first play through of Fallout: New Vegas?

Which of the four ending routes for Fallout: New Vegas do you consider the 'best'?

Why do you consider your chosen faction to be best? 

If it is different from your faction of choice on your first play-through, why?

Do you think the other three choices have any particular merit? If so, what do you like about them?

Are there any minor factions you think are particularly moral/aspirational? (i.e. The Kings) If so, why?

Are there any individuals you consider to be particularly moral/aspirational? (i.e. Marcus, Doc Mitchell) If so, why?



Wild Card/Yes Man

i felt they had the most compelling points. Also, how could you say no to that goofy robot's lil face.

Well I just wanted to experience another route honestly.First route I went with a "vanilla" playthrough.

I mean yeah, all the endings of New Vegas have purpose to exsist. It makes the game non-linear.

Not entirely. Everyone has their issues.



Wild Card/Yes Man


It has the most content and side quests 

I did a wildcard play through because I like the idea of an independent NV more, but know that the NCR path is the most finished of them all

I think that in 200 years the NCR, Caesars Legion and Mr. House have put the wasteland right back in the same position that caused the end of the world in the first place. I believe the best option for the wasteland is independent communities all working together

The followers of the apocalypse are one of the few communities that I believe are truly moral in so far as the help anyone in the wasteland regardless of who they are 


Wild Card/Yes Man

Wild Card/Yes Man

Tbh its the only one I played

The NCR are usually seen as the "good guys" even if theyre a bit controlling. Caesar is usually seen as the "bad guy" but if you look a little closer you can see he just wants freedom. No real opinion on mr house tho

Its been a while since i last played but i remember the kings being pretty good, since they just wanted the people outside the strip to be safe

None really come to mind except Boone. Can't really explain why though


Mr. House

Mr. House

Mr house is focused on his goals and not controlling the populations freedom as he says hes not intrested in what people do in their private lives means hes unlikely to become a tyrant unlike the leigon, whilst he has also proved with the safety of the strip that hes more capable of protecting his territory and people unlike the ncr who often take too long to respond to issues or are unable to resolve them eg.revolt in primm or masacre in nipton. He is also a safer long term bet being immortal as the leigon only survives due to ceaser and the ncrs becoming less stable as it expands

I believe the yesman has merit, freeing the people of the mojave whos conflicts and poor/apathetic leadership often causes suffering to. Whilst preventing bandit factions from attempting to fill the power vacuum, by securing control with the securitron mk2s this however is provided that yes man still listens to the courier after going off for its software upgrade at the end of the game or that yesman or the courier are altruistic, guess thats why its called the wild card ending i suppose.

Jacobstown - their policy of all races welcome as long as they dont cause trouble is a very positive ideology attempting to see the good in all people and not vilifying anyone from where they came from, whilst perhaps not very realistic in a land such as the mojave is at the very least moral and should be respected

Arcade - he's very commited to doing good, joing the followers of the apocolypse to heal and help ordinary folk, and feels strongly against actions that harm others, he even helps you reform the enclave remnants to help in the final battle, provided you are against the leigon, to repay his debt of kindness. I belive he is one of the few characters to truly want to help people with no alterior motives.


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